Johnny Red Gill
23" L x 8" W x 12" H
The bit that gives Johnny Red Gill his colorful name is a piece that has been kicking around my shop for a couple of years. I have wanted to incorporate it into some sculpture ever since I acquired it from my local thrift store, but it was never the right time or piece, until Johnny came to be.
Johnny Red Gill was created using a crank gear from a hand drill, bicycle sprockets, a scythe blade section bearings, saw blades, drill bitts, a horseshoe, brake springs, vice grips, door hinges, motor gear, snips, pliers, a dough hook and other bits whose origins escape my mind.
*Johnny Red Gill will be on display at Christian's solo exhibit beginning August 7th at Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester Vermont. If you are interested in purchasing this piece, please email Christian for pricing and shipping information.